Tuesday (July 23, 2013) :D

hello! :)) so, ito na po ang mga kailangang gawing homeworks and projects. :)



  • English
  1. bring: "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. ito po ang link!--> http://xroads.virginia.edu/~drbr/wf_rose.html
  2. Vocabulary:cupolas, encroached, archaic, pallid, holt, temerity, impervious, circumvent, sibilant, obliterated, spires, coquettish, cabal, virulent, depreciation.
  3. Who is William Faulkner? (ans. briefly) (3-5 sentences)
  4. Describe the South American Society in the 1930s. (ans. briefly) (3-5 sentences)

    • Chemistry- bring the following individually:short folder, ruler, pencil, crayons.
    • Elective:
    1. French and BizMath- quiz
    2. Spanish- competition tomorrow (Hydrogen-Fluorine vs Argon-Helium)
    3. Journ and Pama- B)
    4. ConChem- :))
    5. Electronics- project making (bring your materials)
    6. PubSpeak- proj.
    • Research- edit edit din ng BOTS.. :)
    • Math- probset
    • Filipino- notebook (from Aralin 1-7 ng Tudla)
    • AP- powerpoint presentation per group. deadline: Aug. 5
    • MAPEH- scrapbook (tungkol sa Arts of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Middle Ages, and Renaissance) (yung Architecture, Sculpture, Painting and Pottery lang per Art) *yung Renaissance and Mid Ages, walang pottery.

    'Yan lang po.. God bless, guys! :D


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