Tous Les Jours :))

Tous Les Jours= Everyday. Haha wala lang akong maisip na title xD

English- Prepare your Story-telling :))) (Yung canterbury 'to)
Chem- SW and Quiz about Matter (Classification/Phases)
Elective- :) Ewan haha. 
Stat- Group act ulit :) Bawi din pag may time <3 huhu Thea xD dejk
Research- Yung mga research nyo. lol
Fil- Group 2, get ready. hehe
Physics- Quiz on concepts (Graphical Analysis of Motion/Finding the components/Vectors)
Math- More on Equations involving Abs Value. Homework page 130-something. xD Basta exercise 2.7, 10-14. :D

Yun lang :) God Bless and take care po :))))


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